Ishpeming High School
A new McCotter Energy Systems Red Boiler Package was installed at Ishpeming High school.
Cedarburg High School
Cedarburg High School selected Riello Array Boilers with a Grundfos Pump System.
Luxemburg-Casco School
Luxemburg-Casco Schools installed the McCotter Energy Systems Red Boiler Package with Smith Boilers and Riello Burners.
Lakeland High School
Lakeland High School retrofitted their existing boilers with new high efficiency Riello burners.
Lake Superior State University
With a campus wide upgrade, McCotter Energy Systems provided 62 Grundfos ECM Intelligent Pumps to Lake Superior State University.
Appleton West High School
Appleton West High School upgraded their burners to new high efficiency Riello burners.
Moody Bible Institute
Moody Bible Institute upgraded to qty (5) 5,000 MBH Riello RTC Condensing boilers with a Massimo Control Panel.
Elmhurst University
Boiler Room Decentralization and Chiller Plant Relocation at Elmhurst University, McCotter Energy Provided 25 Riello Array Boilers and 15 Grundfos LCS Pumps.
Bay College
McCotter Energy Systems providedd 9 Riello Array boilers and 2 Grundfos CRE ECM Intelligent Pumps to Bay College.
Beloit College
26 Riello Array Boilers and 48 Grundfos ECM Intelligent Pumps covered the entire campus of Beloit College.